Full texts of accepted papers should be directed to otakkonya@gmail.com as an attached word file and in accordance with the spelling rules, until 01 October 2022.
Please do not forget to send full papers, as these will be published as a book chapter later on.
1. Spelling rules should be based on the latest edition of the Turkish Language Association Spelling Guide.
2. The paper has to be written in the "Microsoft Word" program.
3. Times New Roman should be used as the text font.
4. Paragraph head space has to be left.
5. 12 punto is required.
6. The text should be written with 1.5 line spacing.
7. Top and bottom, right and left spaces automatically left by the word document in the page layout is essential.
9. Footnotes are requiered to be 9 points.
10. Source names (books, theses or journal titles) should be italicized in footnotes.
11. In the footnotes of the articles, the title of the article should be written in quotation marks and plain. The work (journal, etc.) containing the article should be written in italics.
12. Author name and surname order should be correct in footnotes. (For details, see Chicago Style)
13. An independent bibliography has to be given at the end of the paper. Bibliography can be classified according to the characteristics of the paper (Archive Resources, Books, Articles, Encyclopedia Articles etc.
14. In the bibliography, only works/studies/material used in the text (information transferred) should be mentioned.
Reference Examples:
Book in Footnotes:
• Reşat Kasaba, The Ottoman Empire and World Economy, trans. Kudret Emiroglu, Belge Publishing, Istanbul 1993.
• Kasaba, ibid, p. 36. (if repeated)
• Kasaba, The Ottoman Empire, p. 36. (when using a second work by the same author)
• J. Grant-Harold Temperley, Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentienth Centuries (1789-1939), Longmans, London 1947. (in multi-authored books)
Article in Footnotes:
• Arif Kolay, “II. Criticism and Bureaucracy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Second Constitutional Period Change”, Turkiyat Magazine, Vol. 27, P. 1, p. 195–197.
• Kolay, ibid, p. 196. (if repeated)
• Kolay, “II. During the Constitutional Monarchy”, p. 195. (when using a second work by the same author)
Encyclopedia Article in Footnotes:
• Şerâfeddin Turan, “Pertev Paşa”, İA, IX, MEB Publications, Eskişehir 1970, p. 555.
• Turan, ibid, p. 554. (if repeated)
• Turan, “Pertev Pasha”, p. 554. (when using a second work by the same author)
Documentation in Footnotes:
• BOA, Y. EE., 14/185/1, 21 November 1895.
• BOA, HAT, no. 43136, 01 November 1834.
• TNA, FO, 78/236, no. 47, Ponsonby to Palmerston, 02 May 1834.
15. While mentioning the number of volumes of Encyclopedias in the bibliography, the original form of numbers should be used. (Roman numerals or common numerals).
16. On the References part, the surname of the author (in lowercase letters), has to be followed by the name.
17. Book titles are required to be written in italics.
18. Article names are expected to be written in quotation marks and plain.
19. Page numbers of books are not required.
20. Page numbers of every kind of article should be given.
21. The order of the imprint information for References should be as follows
• Kasaba, Resat, The Ottoman Empire and World Economy, trans. Kudret Emiroglu, Belge Publishing, Istanbul 1993
• Kolay, Arif, “II. Criticism and Bureaucratic Change in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Second Constitutional Era”, Türkiyat Mecmuası, Vol. 27, P. 1, p. 193–214
• Turan, Şerâfeddin, “Pertev Paşa”, İA, C. IX, MEB Publications, Eskişehir 1970, p. 554–556.
Annexes – Album – Ottoman Turkish Facsimiles etc.:
22. All exceptional materials such as pictures and archive documents shown in papers, are required to be numbered with explanations.
23. Enough space has to be left for the figures to be inserted between the pages in the text, or it should be clearly stated where the pictures will be added later on.
24. Explanations of pictures or figures are expected to be in 10 font size and italic.
25. Papers should be in the range of 6.000-10.000 words.